Patrick Rosenstiel
Nationally recognized in the spheres of politics, public affairs, public relations and market research, Pat directed the highly successful Midwest grassroots campaigns to confirm U.S. Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and John Roberts. In recent years, he has scored impressive PR/PA and brand-related victories for Pfizer, Progress for America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a wide range of Fortune 500 companies that compete in regulated industries, and continually look to him for strategic counsel.
In Washington D.C. as well as regionally, Pat has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to advance, kill or delay legislation on behalf of his clients. Known for his skills as a crisis communications manager and planner, as well as a media trainer, Pat has placed his clients in the Washington Post, Business 2.0, the Wall Street Journal and in countless broadcast, local and trade media relevant to their needs.